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Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki and Chakras Alignment

  • 1 h
  • 77 Australian dollars
  • Online Session

Service Description

Receive the benefits of distance Reiki Healing from the comfort of your home. Remote Reiki is just as effective as a hands on session to clear, balance and re-energise you. How to Prepare for Your Distant Reiki Session One wonderful aspect of Distant Reiki is you can be anywhere to receive it and you never have to leave your home. Distance Reiki can be just as effective as experiencing one in person – the Reiki energy “works” regardless of where you are located since it transcends time and physical space. Before your Distant Reiki Healing The Distance Reiki technique is usually about 30 minutes long, but can continue longer if you like. We will schedule a time and date with you for the distance Reiki session. By setting up a specific time, you can be in a receptive state (such as lying down or meditating during the treatment. In advance of the session, we will also ask you to email us a photo of yourself, along with your name, age, location and any intention you have of what they want the session to support (e.g. a physical or health issue, goal, or challenge). Having these details will help our Reiki healer connect to the recipient if we haven’t met before. Wherever you are in the world, you can follow these steps to help you prepare to receive the healing energy. State your intention State your intention to receive the healing energy being sent your way. That is all you need to do. Finishing your session When you feel ready, again, take 3 really deep, really slow, really big breaths to tell your body it’s time to change gears. Take a moment to write down any thoughts that popped up during your time, often the most golden ideas come to you in these quiet moments.

Contact Details


47 Butcher Bird Cct, Upper Coomera QLD 4209, Australia

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